
Showing posts from March, 2019

korfball for dumies

Yesterday my class played korfball . Korfball is kind of like netball. When you have the ball you can't walk. I was on the bib team, my game is last, when its my turn I run to the net and get ready to pass the ball. I pass to Adell, she passes to Molly and we keep working are way up to the net. I passed to Noah but Finn blocked it. Finn passed to Lolla, Lolla passed to Ilish, and the game went on. We lost in the end, but it was rely fun. I can't wait to play it again.

South Sudan

On Thursday two people called Phil and Janet came into our class to talk to us about South Sudan.  They taught us that Salam Akorn means hello. The other way around is the response you say back, Akorn Salam.  We learned lots of facts about  South Sudan on this day: Juba is a really hot place and has no electricity. South Sudan also has 65 different languages. Travelling on the roads is dangerous because people will steal your belongings.   The boys have short curly hair.  Lots of people carry guns because of war and to protect their animals.  They mark scars on themselves to mark which tribe they come from. There is only one doctor for every 10,000 people. Here is a picture of money from South Sudan.

Don Eel Scientist

Learning about eels On the 22nd of March a man called Don came into room four to teach the Batten Team about eels. We learned that a type of eel can grow two meters long!  We also learned that if an eels bum is red it means it's been eating crabs. The long fin eels are endangered and most of the eels are females.  They go out to the ocean to lay their eggs and after that they die.  Then the eggs hatch and the baby eels go back to New Zealand with the currents.  Here is a picture that is an example of how long and big an eel can get.  But only a few types can get this big.                                                       thank you for reading

LEARNZ Video Chat Water in Christchurch

Today my class learned a lot about the water in Christchurch. We learned that salt water can be turned into fresh water, witch is called desalination. We learned that only the long-fin eel is endangered. We learned that deep aquifers can never be can never be filled if they are emptied. We even learned that other schools have being studying about eels. It was rely fun.

Swimming sports

Our school went to swimming sports.  My race was up first, I was rely nerves. TWEET, I stood up on the block, ON YOUR MARKS, I got ready to dive, CLAP, and  I was of and  away !   SPLOSH, I was of and away. I ceped swimming till I got to the end of the pool, then I turned around as fast as I could and started swimming back. When I got back I had co

Urban Eel Project

In Science we are learning about eels in Heathcote River Christchurch. On Thursday, our team went down to our local park to learn all about eels and there river.We lerned that car wash and plastik wasn't good for eels. My favourite activity was making a eel out of nature with my friend Ben.we also lerned that the river was half dirty. I never knew whitebait lived where eels live. It was a great day.                                                                                 

Science in a Van

After our class came back from Science in a van, I got my gluestick ruler some fake coins and a few dice. Then I put my ruleler on my gluestick and started puting dice evenly on my ruleler. It was rely fun, everyone did it! We were doing this because we were trying to find the center of balance.